6 July 2021

9 million kg of CO2 emissions avoided through completion of the electrification project


Originally initiated in 2012, one of the priorities of the recently launched 5-year sustainability plan was to complete the electrification of the facilities, meaning that today, clients of all sizes coming to either shipyard within the MB92 Group can connect to the electricity network.  

The process has made it possible to go from 8.7 million kg of direct CO2 emissions (the emissions equivalent that approximately 363,700 trees or 2,000 hectares of underwater forest would capture in a year) to 0 kg, with all electrical energy coming from renewable sources. As an example of whichsolar will be the primary energy source being produced on site for own consumption, thereby closing the company’s circular economy circuit. 

Likewise, the plan has made it possible to reduce NOx and particle matter emissions, in addition to reducing the carbon footprint itself and practically eliminating the need for diesel consumption. 

The plan has been in line with the Port of Barcelona’s own roadmap, which plans to complete electrification before 2030, positioning MB92 as a leader in environmental energy transition.  

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